
قصة الزيوت في مصر قديمة قدم التاريخ فالفراعنة عرفوا باستخدامه في تحنيط حثثهم وقد حافظ عليها حتى اليوم. تعتبر مصر للبترول احد اكبر شركات تصنيع و تسويق الزيوت في مصر فنحن نصنع و نسوق نطاق كبير من زيوت التشحيم مثل المستخدمه في وسائل النقل و الصناعة و التشحيم. هذه الزيوت تم مزجها باستخدام مجموعة مختارة من الزيوت الاساسية المكررة و احدث طرق تكنولوجيا الاضافات المطورة عن طريق منتجي اضافات عالميين. هدفنا الاساسي هو تزويد عملائنا بالحلول و صقل اعمالهم ايا كان القطاع الذي ينتمون اليه

Lithium Base Greases :

Product Application
• Soluble Oils :
- Misr Cutting Oil 11
- Used as an emulsion. Contain bactericide, fungicide, antioxidant and antirust additives used in different ratios
   depending on the metal working process.
• Insoluble Oils :
- Misr Cutting Oil 22
- Used for engine cylinders honing without causing any stains on metal surfaces.
- Misr Cutting Oil 33 - Recommended For Cooling Cutting Tools And Gear Cutting.
- Should not be used with yellow metals.
- Misr cutting Oil 44 - Suitable for use with carbon steel alloys, excellent performance with stainless.
- Misr Cutting Oil 55 - Contains Extreme Pressure Additives Used In Honing, Lapping Operations For Light Alloys.
- Should not be used with yellow metals.
- Misr cutting Oil 77 - Recommended for deep hole boring, gun drill, ejector drill systems, high speed hobbing and gear shaping.

Sodium Base Greases :
Product Application
- Misr Ball And Roller Grease - Used in ball and roller bearings up to 100? C
- Not recommended for use in the presence of continuous water and high moisture.
- Misr Mattat Grease - Recommended for use in ball and roller bearings under high temperature conditions up to 110 ? C.
- Not recommended for use in presence of continuous water and high moisture.
- Misr Gear Box Grease - Recommended for enclosed gear boxes requiring a semi fluid lubrication.

Calcium Base Greases :
Product Application
- Misr Calcium Grease - Used for general lubrication of plain bearings at 50 ? C. Recommended for use in presence of water and high moisture.
- Misr Chassis Grease B - Recommended for vehicle chassis lubrication.
- Misr Graphite Grease - Contains finely powdered graphite.
- Recommended for pump glands, grease lubricated stern tube, plain bearings subjected to water.